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Climatic Conditions

Bhutan considers itself to the mythical paradise on earth and therefore it is called - Shangri La. It means a Hidden Paradise. It is hidden because Bhutan remained cut-off from other parts of the world for many centuries. It is a paradise because no adverse natural calamities like - floods, storms, earthquake, landslides have ever occurred in Bhutan. Famous for its forest cover, the natural biodiversity is always a delight to any botanist or nature lover with the sheer variety of flora and shades of green.

Bhutan is climatically divided by four equal seasons and each season brings their own beauties making the country exotic destination to visit any season. However, the rush seasons for the International Tourists are Spring (March, April & May) & Autumn(September, October & November) as most of the local festivals take place during these two seasons for practical reasons.

The Winter Season month are December, January & February. Winter months are comparatively cold but not severe and fierce winters. While Bhutan has high mountains under perpetual snow cover, the snow fall in the river basins are rare where most settlements exist.

The Summer Season months are June, July & August. One of the most pleasant times to be in Bhutan is in summer. Rains fall during the summer season and it is considered wettest season, but the annual rainfalls are tolerable. Being a mountainous country, sometimes incessant rainfall over a week cause minor landslides but cause no major road blocks.